Saturday, February 8, 2020


I just finished teaching my first 5 week MELT Method class out in the community. I am also teaching an ongoing weekly MELT class at a local yoga studio, Tribe Yoga.  After receiving much positive feedback and my desire not to speak for others, I asked for personal testimonials. I asked for their help in helping me pay it forward. Please take a moment to read these personal stories and perhaps they will empower and inspire you to want to make a change and add some self care fitness to your routine.

*My name is Robert and I have been practicing MELT Method fascial manipulation for about 2 months now. I am 58 years old and had "hands on" physical types of jobs throughout my life. Currently I am a machine mechanic in a production facility. I work on a concrete floor and use my hands constantly to manipulate many small parts and use repetitive motions with tools. The MELT hand and foot treatments are so simple but incredibly effective. I can stand up in the morning without the snap, crackle and pop of my feet and ankles. My first steps are pain free. I dont have to massage and beat my forearms to life any more, I can make coffee without the strain and pain I used to have. 20 minutes every other day of this simple routine is so well worth it to anyone with issues like this. I actually thought I had a permanent condition developing from years of work, but a little attention to the right body system has me feeling great.  Kudos to Sharon for sharing this deceptively simple technique. 

*My husband and I have been extremely pleased with the MELT Method.  At a certain age you begin to feel certain aches brought on by arthritis and just general wear and tear on your body.  Melt has helped to alleviate those aches and has left us feeling more balanced as well.  My husband was able to increase his exercise routine because he was no longer held back by foot pain due to plantar fasciitis.  Sharon is a very connected instructor.  She provides not only personal experiences but tailors her instruction to the needs of the specific group.
Susan C

*I noticed a big change in my hip..I fell five years ago. Went to a doctor, X-ray and started therapy noticed no big change...decided to take yoga along with my other routine exercise (speed bag, punching bag, weight lifting, speed walking and biking)...the yoga helped be more aware of my breathing and stretching. I continue to do yoga at home and some of the therapy strength moves. My hip still was causing me discomfort and sometimes pain. Since I started MELT my discomfort and pain is decreasing (it’s near gone). I also noticed I am walking taller. Thank you

*I just finished my first MELT session with Sharon.  I am 69 years old. Before retiring about 12 years ago I was an airline pilot---I spent a lot of time sitting.  Now, I am working as an aircraft mechanic. I spend the day in on a concrete floor.  I am constantly getting up, getting down, bending, reaching, squeezing in to places I don't fit and using tools that vibrate or require repetitive motions.  At the end of the working day my feet hurt, my hands ache and are tight to the point where I can't fully straighten my fingers.
I have been attending the MELT class once a week and try to practice at least 3 times a week.  In the short time that I have been doing this, I notice a difference in my feet and hands.  The difference is hard for me to verbalize, but my hands are not as stiff after doing  MELT hand treatment.  My feet ache less.  After doing the foot treatment I notice a difference in how my feet bear my weight.  The best I can describe it is that when I walk afterward it feels like being barefoot on a beach.
One thing I really like about practicing MELT at home is that if I am short on time I can just work my hands, or feet  (or work with the roller and even if I only spend 10 or 15 minutes I feel a benefit.  Bill 

*Sharon’s MELT Method classes have helped me tremendously with my foot problems. Even if you don’t have a foot or hand issue, after using the tools, they feel so much better! Give it a try and you’ll understand why I recommend this class!

*The MELT method is rather difficult to describe until you are actually  experiencing it firsthand. I would compare to moving into an old house and realizing that most of the electrical wiring has been shorted out do to neglect and therefore is no longer functioning properly. For me the  MELT Method has  helped me to restore and repair internal connections (in a sense rewire an old house).  I realize I can never again feel or function as I did in my 20s but I can in many ways improve my sense of connectedness with my own body while I’m in my 70s. I feel like many of my internal lights/senses  have again been turned on and I can see more clearly how to take  better take care of myself thanks to Sharon and her teachings of the “MELT Method”.  GEH

*I own a farm with my partner in Slatington. The daily chores put a toll on all your muscles. Lifting buckets of water, 50 lb. feed bags, hay bales, mucking, it all stresses the body. I also enjoy horseback riding and after long rides I’d always have pain in my thighs and lower back. Sharon has been working with me on two main goals, flexibility and core strength. The MELT method along with yoga practices, have given me back my ability to move with confidence, have the strength to endure riding my horse and not agonizing the next few days. It’s been a wonderful process and at 58, I feel better than I have in quite a while.  Chris

*I'm 44 and MELT has helped me in many ways. When coming to class in the beginning I would come there with a headache and within 10 minutes of using MELT the headache would disappear. I now no longer come with a headache to class. Although I purchased the full product kit I felt overwhelmed and was not sure if I was doing it correctly. Sharon takes her time and will correct you if you are not doing something in a way to benefit you. I love that she does this in a way that you are not pointed out and she involves the entire class. Although I'm sort of a homebody I do prefer classes and look forward each week. Sharon's class has now given me the confidence of going home and teaching my husband what I have learned so that I can help him. He is 57 and has had multiple sclerosis since 1993. He loves the roller and feels it helps with his balance as well as help realign his spine more. I believe MELT will forever be apart of our life. I highly suggest you take this class because you won't completely comprehend it's benefits until you actually try it. Sharon's education, love dedication and love for your health is surely a blessing and I appreciate the gift given to myself, my husband and anyone else I can pass it onto.

Sunday, May 12, 2019


Yoga is a beautiful mind-body practice to ease stress and find balance on and off the mat. Learn how to “move” better in your body. Sharon incorporates numerous wellness practices into the sessions, providing a welcoming practice for beginners to advanced students with varied options to meet your unique needs.  Class will be held outside, on the lawn  of the beautiful Neffs Church Grove  which is located on the North/Neffs side. 
WHERE:  5550 Route 873, Neffs Pa 18065. There is ample parking behind the grove (off Unionville Rd) and in the church parking lot. 
TIME: Thursday Evenings from 6-7pm.

JUNE: 13,20 (no class 6/27)
 JULY: 11,18 (no class 7/4 & 725)
 AUGUST: 1,8,15,22,29
SEPTEMBER: 5,12,19,26

THINGS TO BRING: yoga mat, beach towel, water, strap and blocks if you have them.
 PAYMENT: $8 drop in with a portion of proceeds given back to the church. 
PREFERRED PAYMENT LINKS: Venmo:sharon-schnyder OR Paypal: however cash/check will be accepted as well. 
 Classes will be held rain or shine as we will have access to the covered pavilion shown below. I will however notify you here and on FB if I need to cancel class for any reason.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Intro to the MELT METHOD workshop 12/1/18

This event is coming up on December 1st at Tribe Yoga. Fascia (part of your connective tissue system) is our richest sense organ.  Fascia is a major player in every movement you make and every injury you've ever had.  Daily living, repetitive movements and postures, poor posture, aging and injury all lead to dehydration in this system. This leads to decreased mobility and flexibility, toxin build up and pain!  Fascia has a sticky quality and when NOT properly hydrated it can stick to itself and anything it surrounds (muscles, joints, nerves) impairing movement and function.  Join me and learn this self care modality! You CAN create change. How bad do YOU want to feel good? Whether it is from over use, misuse, abuse or aging MELT can help! *Feel free to click on the MELT Method banner here on my blog to visit the website.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

HaPpy 2017! New MELT Method 4-Week Series begins March 4th

If you suffer from chronic aches and pains or stiffness ask yourself "Do I want to wait for these symptoms to subside or be proactive and create lasting changes?" The connective tissue is a SYSTEM (yes it is a system) of the body that all vibration has to pass through to create movement and intuition.  By working on this system of the body you can quiet the stress reflex, improve muscle performance and timing and help you body's natural healing process get back online and function more efficiently to help get you out of pain!! Let me teach you how!  If you want to learn more about the MELT Method attend this 4 week series and dive in!! Each class builds off of the last, allowing you to really learn this self-care modality with proper technique.This workshop series is offered at Livingroom Yoga in Emmaus! Go to to reserve your spot!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

NEW MELT METHOD 4-WK SERIES:Begins Feb 24th 2016

New MELT Method 4-wk series @ Livingroom Yoga in Emmaus begins Feb 24th! Do you have chronic pain? Or perhaps pre-pain symptoms like stiffness in the muscles and joints? Do you have a job with repetitive movements? Whether sedentary or active we ALL experience this dehydration in our connective tissue and left unaddressed can lead to chronic problems.. The MELT Method is hands OFF bodywork, a self treatment you can learn and do in as little as 10 minutes a day or 3 times a week and you can see and feel a difference the very first time you try it! I CAN show you how. Attached is a flyer for this workshop.  Come join me!! If you would like more info on MELT or to see the tools, click on the link to the right of my blog post or feel free to leave me a message here.   In gratitude, Sharon XOXOXO 

Monday, December 7, 2015


If you want to learn more about the MELT Method attend this 4 week workshop and dive in!! Each class builds off of the last, allowing you to really learn this self-care modality with proper technique.This workshop series is offered at Livingroom Yoga in Emmaus! Call 610-432-6353 to reserve your spot!  


I just finished teaching my first 5 week MELT Method class out in the community. I am also teaching an ongoing weekly MELT class at a local ...